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Moon Garden: Tending Our Writing To the rhythm of the Moon (online)

Registration open for June!

Moon Garden: Tending our Writing To the Rhythm of the Moon

Moon Garden is a community for folks who have (or who want to have) writing projects on the go.

We gather four times a month to tend to our writing, using the moon's cycle to guide us. (Scroll down for more info about what this means in practice.)

June sessions will be held from 7pm-9pm on Zoom.

This is a small group event with a maximum of 8 participants. A minimum of 4 participants is required for Moon Garden to run.

Moon Garden: a community for folks who have (or want to have) writing projects on the go

We meet weekly to:

  • Tend to our projects at every stage, using the moon’s rhythm as our guide. 

  • Practice occupying whatever space and time we have for creativity fully, noticing where our attention naturally falls when we work, and orienting ourselves towards joy in our writing lives.

  • Remind each other that, like the moon, energy, creativity and focus wax and wane. These cycles are natural and healthy, not shameful.

  • Draw one another back into the orbit of our work by offering connection as a gravitational force. 

Anyone who feels drawn to this group may join, however Writers in Bloom’s events are neurodivergent, disabled and queer-centered.

  • Moon Garden is for folks with projects on the go who are drawn to working in community. These projects could be anything from closing a piece to polish over the month, to moving a larger project slowly forward during our time together.

  • Each week we will meet, and using the moon as our guide, move slowly forward in our writing projects, prioritizing sustainable progress.

  • Because the moon gives no sh*ts about the calendar, Moon Garden is hosted at the same time, but at varying days throughout the month.

    We meet from 7pm-9pm EST on Zoom on Tuesday May 7, Tuesday May 14, Friday May 24 and Friday May 31.

  • Please do! Registration will happen monthly, but returning Moon Gardeners will have priority on joining the next months session. Although there will be consistency in the shape of each months rhythm, you can use the process to move through a longer project, or choose to bring something new each month you join.

  • Like all Writers In Bloom events, Moon Garden is offered on a siding scale.

    Access rate: $90

    Sustain rate: $125

    Support rate: $160

    You can register here. There are a few questions to answer to ensure Moon Garden is the right fit for you. Once I’ve received your registration, I’ll reach out to set up payment and confirm your spot.

Here is a brief outline of what will happen each week we meet, in case you’re wondering what “following the rhythm of the moon” looks like in practice.

Week 1/New Moon/Planting seeds

  • In our first session we will connect through guided conversation. Reflective writing practices will help you decide what seeds to sow during our month together.

Week 2/Waxing Moon/Growth

  • This week, we begin with a short group writing practice to get your words flowing. Then, it is time for quiet co-creation while we work on our own projects. An opportunity to gather for conversation in a breakout room will be available to those who would like to connect further. We will finish our time together with a brief creative care practice.

Week 3/Full Moon/Tending

  • Admire the bounty of your work and consider whether it is it time for completion or transformation. We use this time of clarity to address questions about endings, decisions and what other opportunities may present themselves next through writing and conversation.

Week 4/Waning Moon/Harvest

  • This final session is for slowing down and letting go. We take the time to hold space for each other’s words in our sharing circle, and use reflective writing and creative care practices to draw our time together to a close while considering how to continue to work in ways that feel sustainable and joyful.

Still have questions about joining Moon Garden? Send them to me!

June 4

Best Buds: Writing Circle for new, nervous and neurodivergent writers

July 17

Scrapyard (Pop up)